Northhorse 2000 牡 / FNo. 12-c / Mr. Prospector 系 (クロス 5代表示)

1994 鹿
フォーティナイナー USA
Forty Niner
Mr. Prospector
1970 鹿
Raise a Native Native Dancer Raise You8-f
Gold Digger Nashua Sequence13-c
Tom Rolfe Ribot Pocahontas9-h
Continue Double Jay Courtesy1-n
Bonita Francita
1987 鹿
Devil's Bag
1981 鹿
Halo Hail to Reason Cosmah2-d
Ballade Herbager Miss Swapsco12-c
Raise the Standard
1978 鹿
Hoist the Flag Tom Rolfe Wavy Navy5-i
Natalma Native Dancer Almahmoud2-d
Aunt Ali
Dixieland Band
1980 鹿
Northern Dancer
1961 鹿
Nearctic Nearco Lady Angela14-c
Natalma Native Dancer Almahmoud2-d
Mississippi Mud
1973 鹿
Delta Judge Traffic Judge Beautillion12-c
Sand Buggy Warfare Egyptian4-m
Crush On You
Ribot Tenerani Romanella4-b
Flower Bowl Alibhai Flower Bed4-d
Glorious Spring
1968 鹿
Hail to Reason Turn-to Nothirdchance4-n
Bramalea Nashua Rarelea12-c

Tom Rolfe 4 * 5 9.375
Natalma 4 x 4 12.500
Ribot 5 x 4 9.375
Hail to Reason 5 x 4 9.375
Native Dancer 5 * 5 x 5 9.375
Nashua 5 x 5 6.250